Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jelly Roll

One half pound sugar, 9 ounces flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 1 gill of milk (½ cupful), 3 eggs, ½ teaspoonful lemon extract; sift flour, sugar, and powder into a bowl and make a hollow in the center; put in milk, eggs, and lemon extract, mix all together; butter a large shallow tin pan, cover with paper, spread on the mixture thin and evenly, bake in slow oven. When done, remove the pan, let it stand a few minutes to cool off a little, then turn it upside down on a clean piece of paper, remove the paper carefully from the cake which has laid in the pan, spread some currant jelly over the surface, roll the cake up like a music roll, let it lie rolled in the paper till cold. This preparation is also nice for lady fingers.

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