Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cheese Torte

One pound fresh pot cheese, ½ pint sour cream, 1½ ounce sweet almonds, 1½ ounce bitter almonds, 1 cup seedless raisins, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoonful butter, 6 eggs, ¼ teaspoonful salt. Blanche and grind the almonds fine or grate them on a nutmeg grater; stir sugar, butter, and yolks to a cream, add all the ingredients, and last the beaten whites; mix well and set aside till following paste is made: Sift 1 pint of flour with 1 teaspoonful baking powder into a bowl, add 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, ½ teaspoonful salt, and 1 tablespoonful butter. Rub the butter fine in the flour, add 1 cup of milk and 1 egg, mix together into a firm dough, work it lightly on a board till it does not stick to the hands, then roll it out thin. Butter a large cheesecake pan, dust it with flour, and line the pan with the dough; pour in the cheese preparation, and bake in medium-hot oven till nearly done. In the meantime stir the yolks of 2 eggs with 3 tablespoonfuls granulated sugar to a cream, add 1 teaspoonful lemon juice and little grated rind, add the 2 beaten whites, and stir the whole 10 minutes; add last 3 level tablespoonfuls flour. When the cake is firm to the touch remove it from the oven, pour over this last mixture, and bake till done. Serve cold, dusted with sugar. The bitter almonds may be omitted if objected to, and the cake pan may be lined with puff paste or fine pie crust.

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