Friday, July 19, 2013

Peach Meringue Pie

Line a large, deep pie plate with a rich pie crust, brush the surface of crust over with the beaten white of egg and sprinkle over 2 tablespoonfuls finely sifted bread or cracker crumbs; take 1 can preserved peaches, drain off the liquor, put them in the pie plate (with the hollow side up), sprinkle over a little flour, a few spoonfuls sugar, pour over some of the liquor and bake in a medium hot oven till done; in the meantime make the meringue, as follows:--Beat the whites of 5 eggs to a froth, mix them with 2 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and flavor with a little essence of vanilla; when pie is done draw it to front of oven, spread over the meringue and bake for a few minutes longer; remove it from the oven and set the pie in a cool place; serve cold; sufficient for 10 persons.

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