Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Charlotte of Apples

Pare and quarter 10 good sized apples (greening or pippin) and cut each quarter into slices; put them in a saucepan with 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 6 tablespoonfuls sugar and the grated rind of ½ orange or 1 lemon; cover and let them stew till apples are soft, but not broken; then add ½ cup currant or apple jelly, ½ cup seedless raisins, the same quantity of currants, 2 tablespoonfuls finely cut citron and a little finely cut candied orange peel; cut a large, stale loaf of bread into thin slices about  inch thick; cut each slice into rounds with a cake cutter or with the cover of a baking powder box, dip each round piece with one side into melted butter and fit them neatly in the bottom and sides of a 2-quart pudding dish with the buttered side towards the dish;
lay the rounds so that they lap over one another; then fill the dish with the apples; cover them with a layer of the round pieces of bread with the buttered sides towards the apples; bake in a medium hot oven 40 minutes; when done turn the charlotte onto a dish, dust with powdered sugar and serve.

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